Minerva Tutorial: Setup

Download and install Minerva Author

Download Minerva Author and unzip it according to the following instructions for your operating system:

Go to the Minerva Author latest release page and download the file minerva_author_VERSION_windows.zip. (The VERSION part changes as the software is updated, but the link will always take you to the most recent one)

Next, unzip it:

  1. Right-click the .zip file
  2. Click the "Extract All..." menu entry
  3. Click the "Extract" button

Finally, delete the .zip file to free up space.

Go to the Minerva Author latest release page and download the file minerva_author_VERSION_macos.zip. (The VERSION part changes as the software is updated, but the link will always take you to the most recent one)

Next, double-click the .zip file and wait for the brief decompression process to complete.

Finally, delete the .zip file to free up space.

Download the sample data

Create a folder on your desktop named minerva-tutorial. Download the following files and move them to the newly created minerva-tutorial folder: