

Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • What role can Minerva play in your data sharing?

  • What resources are there to help you create Minerva Stories?

  • Review the 3 main types of stories

  • Consider how you would share your data with the different types of stories

  • Introduce the resources for LSP members to make Minerva Stories

Summary of the 3 styles

Style guide table

Activity | What role can Minerva play in your data sharing?

Think of a situation where you had to share your data with anyone, a collaborator, a colleague, a funding agency etc.. If you haven’t encountered a scenario yet, come up with a hypothetical that is meaningful for your project. Try to answer the following questions with the knowledge of Minerva and story types you now have:

  1. What your goals of sharing your tissue image data? Who are your audiences?
  2. Which type of Minerva Story would you use? Why?


Minerva.im has updated and comprehensive information on Minerva

Minerva website

HiTS-internal SharePoint has information tailored for LSP members

Data Sharing with Minerva on HiTS SharePoint

If you don’t have access to SharePoint, please contact Sarah Arena.

We are here to help!

A team of us are here to help you throughout your Story creation process. Below is a list of whom to contact:

*See the next session for what John would need from story authors.

Publication Checklist

When you are ready to publish your Story, provide these things to John:

story.json file When you Save your progress in Minerva Author, a story.json file will be created and saved in the same folder as your Minerva Author executable
(optionally) path of image on O2 Your story.json files will contain a reference to your image data, but if file has moved or file name has changed, it may be hard to locate. John will follow up if he needs your image file path.

Key Points

  • minerva.im and SharePoint are the two best go-to places for information on Minerva.

  • A team of us are here to help you throughout your story creation process!