Minerva Tutorial: Example stories

Key Points

  • Minerva is the general term for Minerva Author and Minerva Story.

  • Minerva Author is the software tool to create Minerva Story. Minerva Story is a narrative image viewer for web hosting.

  • Minerva turns large image files into smaller ones that can be loaded as needed, allowing interactive and fast viewing in a browser.

  • You can annotate your image data when sharing with Minerva, providing important context for your audience

  • LSP uses Minerva to share large tissue image data, usually but not necessarily from CYCIF.

Automated Stories
  • Automated Stories are for quick or large-scale data sharing

  • Minerva Author runs in a terminal window but you interact with it through a web browser

  • Story creation begins with selecting an OME-TIFF image

  • Channel groups define meaningful sets of image channels

  • The Auto Group button groups all channels using simple rules

  • Stories are saved and loaded as small .story.json files

  • Publishing a story created a package of files that must be uploaded to a website hosting service

Curated Stories
Narrated Stories
  • minerva.im and SharePoint are the two best go-to places for information on Minerva.

  • A team of us are here to help you throughout your story creation process!

Example stories





Waypoint A specific location in the tissue image. For example, blood vessel, lymph node margin. The most basic waypoint consists of a user-selected area on the slide and the related text description.
Channel Staining for a marker, for example CD3 labeling T cell membranes.
Channel Group Several channels bundled together to convey information. For example, CD3, CD4, CD8 and FOXp3 to distinguish T cell subtypes, or CD45, keratin, CD31 and SOX10 to distinguish melanoma surrounding epithelia blood vessels and immune cells. Individual channels within the group cannot be toggled. Viewers can choose what channel group to display.
Mask Segmentation masks. Masks can be added to a waypoint, and are only visible on that waypoint. Viewer can toggle each mask individually.
Visualization Plots and/or videos that help illustrate the point alongside the image data. Minerva Author can generate scatter plot, matrix plot and bar chart (max one of each type) with input data in the form of .csv files. They will appear underneath the text description on a waypoint. Additionally, user can embed images (.png, .jpeg etc.) and/or videos in the description using Markdown and HTML.
Annotation Arrow, ROI rectangles and text labels can be displayed on your image as annotation.