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Pip install

Ashlar can be installed in most Python environments using pip:

pip install ashlar

Using a conda environment

If you don’t already have miniconda or Anaconda, download Anaconda and install. Then, run the following commands from a terminal (Linux/Mac) or Anaconda command prompt (Windows):

Create a named conda environment with python 3.12:

conda create -y -n ashlar python=3.12

Activate the conda environment:

conda activate ashlar

In the activated environment, install dependencies and ashlar itself:

conda install -y -c conda-forge numpy scipy matplotlib networkx scikit-image scikit-learn "tifffile<2025.2.18" "zarr<3" pyjnius blessed
pip install ashlar

Docker image

The docker image of ashlar is on DockerHub at labsyspharm/ashlar and should be suitable for many use cases.

Return to the quick start guide to learn more about how to use ASHLAR.