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  1. Vimeo
  2. YouTube


Support for Vimeo-hosted videos is included in the theme. To embed a Vimeo video, use the vimeo.html include file, along with the video’s ID value (can be copied from the URL of the video). For example:

{% include vimeo.html id="158396727" %}

There are a number of optional parameters that can be added to the include to adjust the way the video is displayed. To add a parameter, insert it within the enclosing brackets like so:

{% include vimeo.html id="158396727" autoplay=true muted=true time="1m" %}

In the example above, we’re indicating that the video should be muted and should autoplay, and that it should start at the 1 minute mark. Note that some values can be overridden by the embed settings assigned on Vimeo’s video configuration page (namely, title, byline, color, and portrait).

Availabe parameters include

ParameterSupported ValuesDefault ValueDescription
autoplaytrue, falsefalseAutomatically start playback of the video.
Note: May require muted to be set to true, depending on browser and device.
bylinetrue, falsefalseShow the author of the video (byline).†
color[hex value]“00adef” (Vimeo blue)Color of the video controls.†‡
controlstrue, falsetrueHide all elements in the player (play bar, sharing buttons, etc) for a chromeless experience.‡
looptrue, falsefalsePlay the video again when it reaches the end, infinitely.
mutedtrue, falsefalseMute the audio on load (can be re-enabled by user, if controls are displayed).
playsinlinetrue, falsetruePlay video inline on mobile devices instead of automatically going into fullscreen mode.
portraittrue, falsefalseShow the author’s profile image (portrait).†
speedtrue, falsefalseShow speed controls in the player.‡
timeTime in minutes and/or seconds (for example, time=”1m2s”)“0m” (Start of video)Used to automatically begin playback at a specific point in time.
texttrackA lowercase language code and optionally the locale and type of text track. (examples: “en”, “en-US”, “en.captions”, “en.subtitles”)falseDisplays a given cc/subtitle track by default in the player (provided the cc/subtitle track is available).
titletrue, falsefalseShow the video’s title.†

† Value specified in the video’s embed settings on site may override this.
‡ Requires a Plus account or higher.


Support for YouTube-hosted videos is also included in the theme. To embed a YouTube video, use the youtube.html include file, along with the video’s ID value (can be copied from the URL of the video). For example:

{% include youtube.html id="fnxBvgJQmtY" %}

There are a number of optional parameters that can be added to the include to adjust the way the video is displayed. To add a parameter, insert it within the enclosing brackets like so:

{% include youtube.html id="fnxBvgJQmtY" autoplay=true mute=true start="90" %}

In the example above, we’re indicating that the video should be muted and should autoplay, and that it should start at the 90 second mark.

Availabe parameters include

ParameterSupported ValuesDefault ValueDescription
autoplaytrue, falsefalseAutomatically start playback of the video.
Note: May require muted to be set to true, depending on browser and device.
controlstrue, falsetrueHide all playback control elements in the player.
looptrue, falsefalsePlay the video again when it reaches the end, infinitely.
mutetrue, falsefalseMute the audio on load (can be re-enabled by user, if controls are displayed).
playsinlinetrue, falsetruePlay video inline on mobile devices instead of automatically going into fullscreen mode.
playlistA comma-separated list of video IDs to playfalseIf you specify a value, the first video that plays will be the video ID specified in the id parameter, and the videos specified in the playlist parameter will play thereafter.
relatedtrue, falsetrueThe display of related videos at the end of playback can no longer be fully disabled, but if set to false, videos from the same channel as the video that was just played will be displayed.
startTime in seconds (for example, start=”90”)“0” (Start of video)Used to automatically begin playback at a specific point in time.