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UnMICST-M - (Mask R-CNN)


  • Linux
  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 1.5.1
  • CUDA 10.1

Installation Instructions

conda create --name unmicst python=3.6
conda activate unmicst
pip install -r requirements.txt

Operation Instructions


Training data can be downloaded from /training data from
The dataset is supposed to be arranged below

├── test  
│   ├── *_Img.tif
├── train
│   ├── *_Img.tif
├── valid
│   ├── *_Img.tif
├── coco_cellsegm_test.json
├── coco_cellsegm_train.json
├── coco_cellsegm_valid.json


  • Set nproc_per_node and world-size as the number of GPUs to use
  • root-path is a path to a folder that contains train / val / test data
  • output-dir is a path to save trained models

DNA Channel / Real Augmentation


DNA Channel / Gaussian Augmentation


DNA Channel / No Augmentation


DNA + NES Channels / Real Augmentation


DNA + NES Channels / No Augmentation



  • Set nproc_per_node and world-size as the number of GPUs to use
  • use-channel is either dapi/both
  • testdomain is one of clean/topblur/bottomblur
  • resume is a path to a saved model to test
  • root-path is a path to a folder that contains train / val / test data
  • output-dir is a path to save trained models

Command for Testing
